Single Bouquets

Need a gift for you or someone you love? We offer small, medium, and large individual bouquets, both fresh & dried. Our individual bouquets are known for their unique and wild composition. Delivery options available within Los Angeles county, shipping options for outside the Los Angeles area coming soon!




If you can dream it, we can create it! Whether a massive succulent wall or 3,000 hanging roses, no installation is too large or wild for our team. We love dreaming and scheming with you, and will travel worldwide to create beautiful installations for events, weddings, and beyond. For more examples of our installment work, check out our portfolio! Fill out our inquiry form for an estimate, or to set up a call to discuss your floral dreams.


Wedding Florals

We offer both full service and a la carte options—each full customizable to fit the needs of each client. Our signature look is earthy and natural, like flowers blooming from the earth. Fill out our inquiry form, and we’ll get started on a customized proposal! We can’t wait to create something beautiful for your day.



Brand Work

As our floral business has expanded, so has our opportunities to work with brands we love. We love the creativity involved with working with brands, creating something unique that fits within the brand voice. Some honorable mentions would be Richer Poorer, Madre Mezcal, and Charlotte Stone. In order to discuss what that work would look like, we would love to get in touch! Please fill out our inquiry form for more information.